When people have a “way of making a living”,
the French have a “bread earner” (“gagne-pain”).
If you are interested in learning French or improving it, check our language category where we reference all French language classes and courses as well as French language services in Perth.
If discovering all these French food expressions wakes your appetite, you can either check our restaurant or bakery, patisserie and café sections for ready to enjoy French meals.
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Please leave us your comments and suggestions below about food-based idiomatic expressions in the French language which are business related.
Starting a business, people “have their work cut out”
when the French “have bread on the board” (“avoir du pain sur la planche”);
People want their products “to sell like hot cakes”.
Similarly, the French are willing their products to “sell like small breads” (“vendre comme des petits pains”);
When selling their products, people “make money”
while the French “make butter” (“faire son beurre”);
Similarly, people “earn wages”
when the French “earn their crust” (“gagner sa croute”);
The ultimate aim is to “have money”
while the French want to “have sorrel” (“avoir de l’oseille”);
Similarly, the French want to “have some wheat“ (“avoir du blé”);
People must be careful not “to have their cake and eat it too”.
The French must avoid “willing the butter and the money from (selling) the butter“
(“vouloir le beurre et l’argent du beurre”);
Otherwise, people may end up “being dead broke” but again,
the French are only worried about “not having any more radish” (“ne plus avoir un radis”).
It hardly needs stating that France and gastronomy have had a symbiotic relationship for centuries now. French metaphors are often rooted in the pleasures of taste. Let’s face it, we (the French) are obsessed with food and our language reflects it. This section focuses on food-based idiomatic expressions in the French language which are business related.
10 business related idioms showing
the French are obsessed with food
However, people do not want to sell their products “for next to nothing”
while the French are worried about selling it for “a mouthful of bread” (“une bouchée de pain”);

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