Some women are gifted with a nice butt,
a French woman would have "nice round loaf" (“belles miches”).
If you are interested in learning French or improving it, check our language category where we reference all French language classes and courses as well as French language services in Perth.
If discovering all these French food expressions wakes your appetite, you can either check our restaurant or bakery, patisserie and café sections for ready to enjoy French meals.
The combination of our Food & Beverage retail and Courses and Classes categories will give you all retail stores offering French food products and all French cooking classes in Perth.
Please leave us your comments and suggestions below about food-based idiomatic expressions in the French language which are business related.
Some women have a face only a mother could love,
the French would call such woman "a tuna" (“un thon”).
The French call an overweight woman a "blood sausage" (“un boudin”).
Other women sometimes are flat-chested
but French women would have "two fried eggs" (“deux oeufs sur le plat”).
The French would also call a flat-chested woman
a "breadboard" (une planche à pain).
Tall women in France are called "a big asparagus" (“une grande asperge”).
Not only the French use food idioms as Anglo-Saxons also call the consequence of cellulite the orange peel skin
when the French call it "orange skin" (“peau d’orange”).
Men’s turn:
The French call a fatty man a "fat bacon" (“gros lard”).
Again, not only the French use food idioms as Anglo-Saxons also call a mixture of black and gray hair salt and pepper. However, the French would say "pepper and salt" (“poivre et sel”).
Some Anglo-Saxons have an egg head.
Similarly the French who would have an "egg skull" ("crâne d'œuf").
Some people are knee-high to a grasshopper or vertically challenged
but in France, those people would be "as high as three apples" (“haut comme trois pommes”).
Idoms applicable to both men and women:
Anglosaxons can be as red as a beetroot when embarrassed
while the French are "as red as a tomato" (“rouge comme une tomate”).
People with red hair would have "carrot hair" in France (“poil de carotte”).
People with very curly hair would have "a sauerkraut on the head" (“une choucroute sur la tête”).
When Anglo-Saxons shake someone’s hand,
the French "press someone’s ladle" ("serrer la louche à quelqu'un").
Anglosaxons may also be obsessed with food after all as someone with sticking-out ears would have cauliflower ears (“oreilles en chou-fleur”).
The French can’t refrain themselves from thinking about food for almost anything, including person’s appearances.
Women first, as always:
20 person’s appearance idioms showing the French are obsessed with food
Again, both the French and Anglo-Saxons refer to almonds when dealing with beatifull shape eyes, almond-shaped eyes (les yeux en amande).
The French are not only obsessed with food, they obviously are possessed by women chests… and to describe it, they also refer to pear-shaped breast (seins en poire)…
Goldilocks has golden hair. In France, Goldilocks is “as blonde as wheat” (“blonde comme les blés”)
Men tend to get a beer gut while aging, the French get "a bun" (“de la brioche”).
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