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7- Celebrate with French People

La Maison de France

If you want you can also attend the Galette des rois event organised by La Maison de France more information on the following link

Time to Prepare : 15 minutes
Cooking Time : 30 minutes

Ingredients (for 6 people) :

-2 puff pastries (frozen are fine you can find them in all stores)

- 200 g almond meal

- 150 g of chocolate chips

- 100 g of sugar

- 100 g of softened butter

- 2 soup spoon of thickened cream

- 2 oeuf (2 white + 1 yellow for mixture and 1 yellow for decorating the cake)

- Optionnal: few drops of almond extract (I personnaly prefer without but it is a matter of taste)

- 1 fève (if you don't have one you can even use a stone or a shell just make sure that it is big enough so people cannot swallow it and make sure all people know they have to look for it when they it the cake!)

- 2 crowns (if you don't have one you can make a craft with your kids and create some :-) you can use a paper plate or some cardboard)


Put 1 puff pastry at bottom of a baking tray with baking paper and make wholes with a fork.

Melt chocolate with butter 

Mix in a bowl all the ingredients (Chocolate, butter, almond meal, sugar, cream, eggs, amond extract).
Put the mixture on the puff pastry, add the fève (on a side to increase your chances not to find it when you cut the galette!)

Put the other pastry on top of the first one and make sure to close the cake on the sides.

Draw with a knife not too deep not to cut the pastry and put the egg yolk with a bit of water on top. Pinch a few wholes on top to make sure air can get thru otherwise the cake might become dry.

Put in fan forced oven at 200°C (th 6) during approx 30 min.

4- How to eat it?

The cake is cut by the youngest (and therefore most innocent) person at the table to assure that the recipient of the bean is random.  Another way to do it would be to cut the cake and the youngest person in the room will go under the table. Then the host will pick a piece of cake and ask the youngest to designate a name. The distribution would finish once the youngest has called all the names around the table.


 The person who gets the piece of cake with the fève becomes 'king' or 'queen' and wears a paper crown provided with the cake. This person can choose its 'queen' or 'king' within the remaining people part of the celebration.

Traditionnaly the person who got the fève has a choice between offering a beverage to everyone around the table (usually a sparkling wine, French cider or champagne), or volunteering to host the next king cake at their place. This may extend the festivities through all of January…

6- Perth à la Carte's receipe of Galette des Rois

It is hard to make a galette as good as what you can find in specialised patisserie but if you want to try to bake a Galette this is our receipe of Galete des rois frangipane chocolat... Enjoy!!!

closed until 
mid January

Swan Valley
$50 for 10 people

pre ordered only from mid January

5- Where to find galette des Rois in Perth and Fremantle?

There are quite a few places in Perth and Fremantle offering kings cakes (Galettes des Rois). We would recommend ordering in advance to avoid any disappointment at one of the following places... 

The name "fève" comes from the fact that it originally used to be a dried bean hidden in the cake.

3- La Fève

Both types of cakes contain a charm, usually a porcelain or plastic figurine, called a fève (bean in French).

2- Le Gâteau des Rois

In the south of France, especially in Provence, and in the south-west, a crown-shaped cake or brioche filled with fruit called a gâteau des Rois is the traditional dish for the occasion.

1- La Galette des Rois (kings cake)

In the northern half of France and Belgium, the cake is called a "galette des Rois" which is a round, flat, and golden cake made with flake pastry and often filled with frangipane (filling made with almonds), fruits, or chocolate.

Like any moment in the life of French people, an important part of the beginning of the year is about Food !

Epiphany commemorates the visit of the Wisemen to the Baby Jesus on January 6th.

In France people share the kings cake.

last updated 13-Feb-2018

7 things about French Epiphany in Perth and Fremantle La Galette des Rois


$35 for 8 people

West Ledederville


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